Family KITAS
The Indonesian Family KITAS (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas) is a type of visa that can be obtained by a foreigner married to an Indonesian citizen, their children, or the spouse and children of the holder of a KITAS work visa. It offers several benefits:
- Multiple entries and exits from Indonesia.
- Prolonged stays in the country.
- Eligibility for Indonesian driver’s licenses.
- The ability to open bank accounts at any Indonesian bank.
- The ability to apply for loans or credit cards, and engage in various financial transactions.
- The ability to buy cars, scooters, and rent land.
- The ability to visit tourist attractions with a discount.
Please note that the KITAS is valid for 5 years, with a mandatory annual renewal. After 3 years of holding a KITAS visa, these individuals can apply for a KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap), which is a permanent stay permit. If a family KITAS is issued for the children and spouse of a foreigner working in Indonesia on a working KITAS, then KITAS is issued to his family members for the same period as his. If you have a family or spouse KITAS, you are not allowed to work. For that, you have to be sponsored by an Indonesian company, which has to obtain a work permit (IMTA) on your behalf.
The applicant has to provide the following documents:
- Passport (6 months)
- Passport Photo
- Travel Insurance
- Marriage cert.
- Birth cert.